Damn sickies!
Sick people should stay home. Period. If they don't want to look after themselves, that's their prerrogative, of course. But the fact is, it's not fair for the rest of us to have to be practically OD-ing on vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea to keep other people's germs at bay. Now, of course, it's the bloody weekend and I'm starting to feel that awful tickle in my throat (that wasn't there this morning). I hope the oil of oregano will do its trick and save me once again from succumbing to other people's germs -- I really don't want to get sick. Especially now that the weekend's finally here, after a looong, loooong week! =S There should be a law to prevent sick people from coming into work at all! If they're so eager to be keeners and have so much to do, they should be able to do it from home. Hell, they should be forced to do it from home!
Not that I'm bitter. Just slightly pissed off.
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