The Empress Online

Monday, January 30, 2006

More Empresses...

One of the things I like about Tarot decks is how pretty/creative they can be while staying true to the archetypal symbolism in them. On this day and age we have literally hundreds of different decks. I will continue to post noteworthy cards here, given due credit to the artists whenever possible. For now I'll (obviously, yeah) stick to representations of The Empress, but I might move on to other cards later on.

On that note, I found this Empress from the Women's Tarot (right-hand side)particularly interesting. I think it's quite beautiful and I just love the way it moves away from the more common Western depictions.

Now, this Empress to the left is from an Egyptian deck (not sure which one). Not your 'traditional' Tarot Empress, either. It must be a representation of the goddess Isis. I'm not particularly fond of the Egyptian Tarot myself (even though my first deck was Egyptian -- a gift from my Granny when I was 11 or so), but I do find it definitely interesting to compare it to others.


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